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Will Getting Pregnant Affect My Breast Implants?

By: Austin-Weston


Getting breast implants is arguably one of the most transformative procedures for women. Increasing or restoring breast volume can give women the confidence to wear certain styles of clothing and make them feel more feminine and attractive overall. With many women now considering breast augmentation at a younger age, the question of how a future pregnancy may affect their breast implants, and vice-versa, comes up quite frequently. While there are many things to consider about pregnancy after breast augmentation, in general it is considered both possible and safe.

The knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery are familiar with the complexities and nuances of breast augmentation surgery, both before and after pregnancy, and will help advise Northern Virginia patients on the best course of action for her specific needs and goals. To better understand how pregnancy may affect your breast implants, it is important to first have a firm grasp of the basics about the breast augmentation procedure.

What is a breast augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery designed to increase breast volume and enhance a woman’s contour with the use of artificial breast implants or fat transfer to the breast. A breast augmentation can also be useful for women who have undergone mastectomy as part of their breast cancer treatment, as well as women who simply have naturally small breasts or have lost breast volume due to aging.

What is the difference between silicone and saline implants?

The majority of breast augmentation surgeries are performed using either saline or silicone gel implants. The type of implant that is used depends on several factors, including the patient’s age, weight, build, and the surgeon’s preference and recommendation. In general, thinner women with less native breast tissue may benefit more from silicone gel implants, which are not as prone to showing rippling as saline implants. For younger women, saline may have to be used, as silicone implants are only approved for use in patients over 22 years of age. A third option for breast augmentation is the use of a patient’s own fat that is extracted from one area of the body and injected into the breast. This process, called fat grafting or fat transfer, can be a fantastic option for women who are seeking a more natural alternative to breast implants.

Can I get pregnant after a breast augmentation?

It is generally recommended that a woman be done having children before undergoing a breast augmentation, mommy makeover, tummy tuck, and other cosmetic procedures, but the experienced surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery understand that life doesn’t always go according to plan. Likewise, some younger women may want to enjoy an enhanced look for many years before considering getting pregnant.

It is perfectly safe to get pregnant after a breast augmentation with breast implants, but it is important to remember that your results may be compromised due to the weight fluctuation associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is a particularly important consideration for patients who have fat transfer to the breast, as the transferred fat cells can swell and shrink just like fat cells elsewhere in the body. Regardless of whether implants or fat grafting is used, the weight gain and increased breast size that is experienced during pregnancy can stretch the skin and possibly result in the need for a second or subsequent breast surgery, including a breast lift.

Can I breastfeed with implants?

In most cases, women who get pregnant after a breast augmentation are able to successfully breastfeed, though breast implants can interfere with some women’s ability to breastfeed and/or make the process less comfortable. The size and placement of your breast implants can play a role in how successful breastfeeding after a boob job may be for you. During your initial one-on-one consultation, the caring surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery will discuss your future pregnancy and breastfeeding goals and help you determine what the best course of action is for you.

Am I a candidate for a breast augmentation?

Fortunately, most women can be considered candidates for breast augmentation, but there are some important criteria which should be met for any patient undergoing the procedure:

  • Non-smoker
  • Healthy weight that has been stable for at least six months
  • Realistic expectations about the results
  • Appropriate motivation for the surgery
  • Not pregnant or planning to become pregnant

Again, while pregnancy is certainly possible and safe after a breast augmentation, patients who wait to get breast implants until they are done having children generally enjoy the best and longest-lasting results.

How do I find the best breast augmentation surgeon in Northern Virginia?

Arguably the most important step in any breast augmentation is selecting a qualified, certified, and highly experienced surgeon. The exceptional team of plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery are committed to providing the highest level of patient service and care. Patients will understand how their breast implants may impact certain aspects of a future pregnancy as well as how getting pregnant may affect their breast augmentation results.

Call our convenient Reston, VA facility to schedule your consultation with one of Austin-Weston’s talented surgeons today, and learn more about how breast implants can help you achieve – or restore – the body you’ve always dreamed of!


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