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Are There Right or Wrong Reasons for Plastic Surgery?

By: Austin-Weston


The answer is, absolutely.

First, the right reason.

Actually there is really only one right reason. You have a little voice in your head that's bugging you about something and it won't leave you alone.

The little voice is constant and a little bit insane. It goes something like this: "My breasts don't look good. I don't look good in these clothes. I'm afraid to take my shirt off in front of anyone!"

Deep down, you know this is crazy. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes and it's okay. But for some reason, this internal critic won't be quiet. Cosmetic surgery is an extremely effective way of quieting this critic. What's the alternative, years of therapy?

This little voice can sound rational. For example, as we age, the job market can be tougher and tougher on us. That little voice may start saying things like "I didn't get the promotion because of the bags under my eyes. The hanging skin under my neck didn't help either. " That voice is more rational now perhaps, but it still won't leave you alone.

Second, cosmetic surgery can be useful.

There are a lot of wrong reasons to have cosmetic surgery, much more than there are right reasons. The biggest "wrong" reason is when we see people come to Austin-Weston to have cosmetic surgery performed for someone else. A spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, sibling, a parent or even a child may make a snide remark to fix a certain problem that may cause some people to consider cosmetic surgery. Bad idea. You're not going to change them.

Similarly, cosmetic surgery won't likely reverse a divorce or get you a new job. It may help with looking and feeling better about yourself, but as the aforementioned events have already happened, they are unlikely to be reversed.

The vast majority of people opting for cosmetic surgery come for the right reasons. They are normal people with an issue that bothers them. If you are one of those people, call our office. Look at our website and see the hundreds of before and after photos of people, many of whom have the issues like yours. We've been here for almost 40 years, and we'll be here when you're ready.

At Austin-Weston, our plastic surgeons are committed to providing patients with the results they desire and the care and safety they deserve. To learn more about treatment options, call (703) 893-6168 to schedule a consultation .

— Robert K. Sigal, MD, Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery


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