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Reasons Why A Mommy Makeover Can Be Life-Changing for Northern VA Moms

By: Austin-Weston


Mommy Makeover - Northern VA

Just like it sounds, mommy makeovers are for mommy! It is an amazing experience becoming a mom, but in the midst of being pregnant and enjoying your newborn, thinking about how your body will change is usually the furthest thing from your mind. Pregnancy and nursing can take its toll on a woman's body. Weight gain and loss, fluctuating hormones, and a newborn tugging at your breasts can definitely have an impact on your figure, skin, and in many case, self-confidence long after your baby is born. With advanced cosmetic surgery procedures, a mommy makeover can rejuvenate your body and give you back your pre-baby figure. At The Center for Cosmetic Surgery of Austin-Weston in Northern Virginia, one of our plastic surgeons can evaluate your post-pregnancy body and create a custom, detailed surgical plan to that you can look and feel your best.

Thinking About Surgery? You're Not Alone... After pregnancy, women strive to get their pre-baby bodies back in shape. It can be a challenging and frustrating time, especially after multiple pregnancies. In some instances, a healthy diet and regular exercise is not enough to help a woman's body completely bounce back. After pregnancy, a woman's body can be left with excess skin on the stomach area, stretch marks, larger thighs, or deflated, sagging-looking looking breasts. With pregnancy weight gain, in some instances, weight can even settle in areas it was never at before. A mommy makeover can be life-changing for Northern Virginia women. Let's take a look at all the cosmetic options that can be included during a mommy makeover.

Cosmetic Options for Northern VA Moms A mommy makeover at our Austin-Weston center can give you hope that you can be back to your normal self when you look in the mirror. You can once again wear a bathing suit and slip on your favorite pair of jeans! You can have a combination of procedures depending on what is decided during your private one-on-one consultation.

Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty One of the most common body parts (other than the breasts) affected by pregnancy is, in fact, the tummy. A procedure performed to remove excess skin, fat, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, is a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. This procedure also tightens the underlying abdominal muscles that were stretched and strained during your pregnancy. At your consultation appointment it can be determined how much fatty tissue and excess skin needs to be removed and what type of tummy tuck will benefit you most. Many times, a traditional tummy tuck is needed for optimal results. This includes an incision that spans hip to hip. The good news, is that the scarring does fade and can be hidden beneath undergarments and bathing suits. In some cases, if less is needed to be removed then a woman can opt for a mini tummy tuck. If you have had a C-section with your pregnancies, then that incision can be reused to minimize scarring. Many times, stretch marks in the abdomen can be significantly reduced with this procedure.

Reverse Tummy Tuck In some cases, women will also battle a new bulge in the upper abdomen as well. In these instances, a reverse tummy tuck can be performed. This body contouring treatment focuses on the upper abdomen with an incision placed under the breast fold. This is ideal for women who carried their pregnancy weight on the top part of their stomach area vs. the lower abdomen area.

Liposuction, a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fatty deposits and slim various body parts affected by pregnancy is liposuction. The traditional liposuction method uses a cannula to remove fat from the body in order to contour and shape the body in certain areas such as the hips, thighs, abdominal area, arms, and buttocks. It can even be used to remove those pesky “love handles” post pregnancy when fat due to weight gain may have settled in other areas. Liposuction is often used in combination with other body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty.

Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation with Implants One of the most popular procedures done with a mommy makeover recommended after you are done nursing or 6 months post birth is cosmetic breast surgery. Due to the fluctuation of hormones, weight gain, weight loss, and nursing, a woman's breasts can take a significant toll. They can be left sagging, drooping, and deflated. A loss of volume and shape can be the end result. However, in some cases, it is the opposite effect where a woman may now have large, oversized breasts from weight that could not be lost. There are many options to consider, including breast reduction surgery to reduce the breast size. A breast lift can lift the breasts to a higher place on the chest wall, creating that pre-pregnancy youthful look. And for women whose breasts became deflated after nursing, implants can restore shape and size. There are a number of options to consider to attain beautiful, natural looking breasts post-pregnancy.

Non-Invasive Options There are also several non-surgical options at our Austin-Weston center of Northern VA for a mommy to enjoy and regain their confidence after having a baby. Reducing wrinkles and giving moms a fresh, new look with BOTOX, clinical facials, chemical peels and Juvederm can help soften the skin and remove some of the irregularities caused by pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover Benefits A mommy makeover can most definitely be life-changing and have a great impact on Northern VA moms! The benefits to considering a mommy makeover are endless when you think you can do just one procedure to an area of your body or you can do multiple procedures at one time to get your body back to pre-baby days. While a mommy makeover helps with the physical benefits, it also helps moms regain their confidence which is an emotional benefit. Nothing feels better than looking in the mirror at a younger, tighter, rejuvenated figure. This regained sense of confidence can help boost libido and make a mom feel sexy again. It can also lift your spirits and help get you out of your post-pregnancy funk. Most importantly, it is a gift you can give yourself after sacrificing so much to be the best mom you can be.

Becoming a mom is a wonderful thing for women. Be the best version of yourself by putting yourself first for a few weeks and having a mommy makeover to get your body back to where you want it. The plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston in Northern Virginia can help get you started on your journey towards a new figure. Call or schedule your mommy makeover consultation appointment today.


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