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Keeping It Real: Can a Tummy Tuck Really Give Me a Flat, Toned Tummy?

By: Austin-Weston


tummy tuck

If crunches, sit-ups, and planks haven't helped you get the flat, toned stomach that you dream of having, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck. This popular procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, removes fat and excess skin from the midsection and tightens underlying abdominal muscles to create a more sculpted look. It is one of the most effective ways to banish a pesky protruding belly and stubborn rolls that may be resistant to the effects of diet and exercise. The results of a tummy tuck often are dramatic and may help restore a person's confidence in their appearance. The plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern VA, are tummy tuck specialists. With their vast experience and expertise, they are able to answer questions about the procedure and explain how it can create a smoother, more contoured stomach.

Am I a tummy tuck candidate?

For those who have recently lost a significant amount of weight or had a baby, it can be a challenge to shed the extra fat and skin that can accumulate on and around the abdomen. While eating right and exercising regularly are important, sometimes counting steps and calories just isn't enough to thwart the results of these life-changing events. Others battling the natural effects of aging may spend hours at the gym in an attempt to slim down and firm up to no avail. A tummy tuck can reduce sagging skin in the midsection as well as tighten underlying muscles that have been stretched.

With tummy tuck surgery, the appearance of stretch marks can be lessened or even eliminated from view altogether during the stomach-sculpting process. The belly button can be made to look more aesthetically pleasing by being restored or repositioned on the abdomen. Anyone who desires a smaller, shaplier midsection may be a candidate for the procedure as long as they are in good overall health and have the ability to maintain a stable weight. As with all plastic surgeries, it also is important for patients in Northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C. area to set realistic expectations and goals for the procedure as well as their potential outcome. As part of your consultation at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Reston, VA, you will be examined by one of our plastic surgeons, who will also discuss with you which tummy tuck procedure is best suited to create the results you desire. The doctors also advise patients of any risks that may be associated with the surgery and provide an overview of what the recovery process may entail.

Selecting a tummy tuck method

Although there are several types of abdominoplasty, they each share the common goal of reducing the surface area of the midsection. Nearly every tummy tuck surgery begins with an incision made by the surgeon on the lower abdomen. This is where the excess skin will be removed. Liposuction, a procedure through which fat cells are manually broken down and suctioned out, often is included as part of a tummy tuck procedure. In most cases, the underlying abdominal muscles are tightened, causing the area to become flatter and toned- looking. The belly button may also be repositioned to appear more proportionate.

Full tummy tuck

Often referred to as a traditional tummy tuck, this procedure is a top choice among men and women in Northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C. area who are troubled by the moderate amount of fat that may have collected in their abdominal area. It often is featured as part of popular “Mommy Makeover” procedures. In most cases, an incision is made below the belly button and liposuction is used to extract excess fat before the abdominal muscles are pulled tight. The incision is closed and, for most patients, its resulting scar will be practically unnoticeable when concealed beneath swimsuit bottoms and undergarments.

Mini tummy tuck

For patients who are bothered by a small pooch of excess skin on the belly, but who are otherwise in good physical condition, a mini tummy tuck may be in order. During this procedure, which also is called a Brazilian tummy tuck, the stomach muscles are untouched as only the skin is tightened with the help of an incision that usually is much smaller than the one required for a full tummy tuck. Excess fat is removed via liposuction by the plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Because the skin on the stomach is pulled taut, it usually is not necessary to alter the belly button in any way.

Extended tummy tuck

When patients in Northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C. areas lose an exceptionally large amount of weight, they may require an extended tummy tuck to remove significant amounts of excess skin and fat. As its name suggests, this procedure usually requires a lengthier incision than those made during mini and full tummy tuck surgeries. The surgeon uses liposuction to remove as much fat as possible before tightening the abdominal muscles and altering the position and appearance of the belly button.

Maintaining your new appearance

The dramatic results of a tummy tuck can be evident as soon as the surgery is completed. Although a patient's size and shape may be noticeably improved almost immediately, the possibility still exists for them to experience weight gain following the procedure. It is recommended by the plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery that patents maintain a healthy weight by partaking in a well-balanced diet, getting adequate amounts of exercise. Other positive lifestyle choices should also be made in order to continue realizing the full benefits of the tummy tuck procedure into the future. Once sporting a new, slimmed-down physique, patients also may find their confidence boosted about their appearance. This ultimately may help them perform better in social situations and even feel more inclined to participate in a variety of activities that prior to surgery may have been too taxing or uncomfortable to attempt.

Can a tummy tuck benefit you?

If it is a fitter, flatter stomach that you want, a tummy tuck can provide just that. By removing excess fat and skin, abdominoplasty is able to provide patients a stunning new look that may be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with diet and exercise alone. As a result, women and men may also find themselves better prepared to enjoy exciting opportunities in life. We invite you to schedule a consultation with the plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern Virginia, and learn how a tummy tuck can start you on the path towards discovering a new-and-improved you.


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