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How To Remove Excess Fat From Your Body With Liposuction

By: George Weston, MD


Remove Excess Fat From Your Body With Liposuction  Reston

Liposuction is one of the most highly coveted cosmetic procedures for men and women who want to enhance their appearance and boost their self-esteem. Extremely useful in making the body more proportionate while slimming certain areas following weight loss, patients are incredibly pleased with their liposuction results. The plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern Virginia have extensive knowledge in performing liposuction techniques. They utilize their expert training to determine the best methods to employ for maximum patient satisfaction. Liposuction is a fantastic solution for removing excess fat from your body so you can look and feel your best.

Good candidates for liposuction

To begin, there are a few requirements that need to be met before a patient can schedule liposuction. Our staff recommends body contouring for patients with good skin laxity and who are at or near their goal weight. Before the procedure, patients must be committed to maintaining their final results. This is because it is still possible to lose and gain weight after liposuction.

If you plan to get pregnant in the near future, we suggest waiting until after your pregnancy to get treatment. Otherwise, your final outcome might become compromised. If you do gain weight or become pregnant after liposuction, we can perform a second surgery to refresh your appearance, if required.

Liposuction explained

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, is an ideal method to target and effectively remove localized areas of fat and contour the body. General anesthesia is used during this outpatient procedure to keep patients resting comfortably. A small incision is made to allow a small hollow tube, or cannula, to break down the fat. Next, a surgical vacuum suctions and expels the fat followed by the closing of the incision. While the total amount of fat removed during the procedure varies for each patient, liposuction is capable of removing anywhere from several ounces up to a few pounds of fat.

Eliminating excess fat

Liposuction can provide excellent results on many different body parts. Northern Virginia patients enlist the assistance of liposuction when dieting and exercise are not enough to combat stubborn, unyielding fat cells. Liposuction is highly effective for women who have had children and aren't able to get rid of their post-pregnancy pooch. Fat removal from the buttocks, love handles, thighs, and hips are a few of the most common areas that can be targeted. Liposuction can also be used on the chin to help reduce the appearance of a double chin. Liposuction is a versatile procedure that is capable of treating multiple areas of the body at once. During your consultation with one of the plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, your aesthetic goals will be addressed so that a customized treatment plan can be formulated.

A new you

Liposuction does more than alter your outward appearance — it can change the way you feel about yourself and boost your self-confidence. To further enhance their results, many patients develop and maintain a regular exercise diet plan as part of their maintenance routine. Liposuction is rated one of the most popular surgical procedures year after year because patients love how it has transformed their bodies.

Maintaining your liposuction results

After liposuction, the good news is that once the fat cells are eliminated, they do not come back. The remaining fat cells, however, may grow if you gain weight in the future. It's important to remember that liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, because there is a limit to how much fat can be removed in a single procedure.

It's also important to note that smoking plays a big role in whether your recovery from surgery is successful. For this reason, we ask that you refrain from smoking or tobacco use several months before and after liposuction surgery. This is because smoking delays the healing process and has a negative effect on your body's circulation.

The results from a liposuction procedure can last for many years. The best way to maintain your new physique is to employ a healthy lifestyle by following a nutritious diet and hitting the gym regularly.

Schedule your liposuction consultation today

To learn more about liposuction, contact our Northern Virginia plastic surgery office to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons. During this time, our staff will meet with you to determine your candidacy for a liposuction procedure. A physical exam and a discussion about your medical history will be conducted to help pinpoint your areas of concern and create a customized treatment plan. Your surgeon will go over the procedure with you, outline the risks, and set expectations for recovery.

Liposuction is genuinely transformative, and it has helped numerous people fall in love with their bodies again. If you're ready to take the first steps to a new and improved you, schedule a consultation today at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Reston, VA.


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