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CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction | Let’s Compare

Non-invasive fat reduction is all the rage. Cool Sculpting is currently the most popular and has been around 6-7 years. The newest device on the market is SculpSure and works differently but is another way of melting fat without surgery.

Coolsculpt takes about an hour and treats spots, not large areas at one time – so it can take multiple treatments depending on how many spots you want treated. SculpSure areas take less time at 30 minutes each, and usually one body area (abdomen, arm, etc) can be treated per session with most patients receiving two sessions, around 4-6 weeks apart. Expect some swelling that will last days or weeks, some discomfort, and your final results in 2-3 months. There have been some rare reports of neuropathic pain that can take weeks/months to resolve, so like everything in life, it is not totally risk free. I would guess that you get about a 20% result as compared with liposuction. Cost will depend on how many sessions it takes, and therefore can either be less than or comparable to liposuction.

The biggest advantage that I see is for people who are unwilling to consider liposuction, and are willing to have a partial result.

Liposuction has been performed for over 30 years and is the gold standard in fat reduction. Laser and ultrasonic liposuction have been around for years as well, and work by “melting” the fat cells prior to the liposuction. It is controversial as to whether they are any more effective, however, than traditional tumescent liposuction.

Some surgeons use local anesthesia, but my opinion is that we get a better result with general anesthesia because it is painless for the patient, and we can also remove more fat.  

You are able to shower the first day post op, and will have some discomfort that is easily handled  with pain pills. Immediate results are visible, but it will take 3 months for all the swelling to go down. Your result is ultimately determined by how good your surgeon is, so beware that Family Practitioners, OB/GYNS, Radiologists, Dermatologists, etc. are not Board Certified Plastic Surgeons, even though many of them may perform liposuction.

At Austin-Weston we perform an enormous amount of liposuction, and we are good at it. I have even had it myself. Check out our results at austin-weston.com and call us at 703-854-9841 for a free consultation.

- George Weston, M.D.


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