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When we meet someone new the first thing we notice about a person is their face. A face can tell a lot about someone; whether or not they’re happy or sad or young or old, but what if your face is telling a story that isn’t quite accurate? What if the lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin are speaking louder than you’d like? A facelift is an excellent solution to help eliminate the signs of aging and allow you to become a more confident, better version of yourself. Best of all, it’s never too early to start focusing on your skin by reducing problem areas before they get harder to correct. The highly-skilled surgeons at Austin-Weston have performed hundreds of facelift procedures for Northern VA men and women and have successfully turned back the hands of time for patients while also providing beautiful, natural looking results.
A facelift is considered a great long-term solution for any visible signs of aging. If you’re beginning to notice facial sagging, wrinkles, lines and loose skin you may benefit from a facelift procedure. There are several different types of facelifts that are used to target different problem areas. Oftentimes facelifts are associated with older patients, when the reality is that people age at different rates.
There is no correct age to undergo a facelift as the signs of aging vary significantly depending on the person, lifestyle, and specific situation. In addition, some individuals may only need to address the upper face, while others need focus on the lower portion. Some patients will be candidates for a full facelift. There are a lot of options to choose from, so let’s go a little deeper and find out what facelift could be right for you.
Full facelift This is the most comprehensive facelift procedure. A full facelift addresses the entire face by removing excess fat, tightening the underlying muscles, and re-draping the skin of your face and neck. Your surgeon will create multiple incisions in discrete areas along the hairline and down to the ears. This procedure is typically reserved for people in their 60s-70s since it is so extensive. Results include a younger and fresher appearance, along with smoother and tighter skin throughout the entire face and neck.
Brow Lift (forehead lift) A brow lift can address problem areas such as sagging skin and droopy upper eyelids by removing excess skin and tightening muscles in the forehead. The procedure elevates the brows while placing them back into their normal or higher position. This procedure focuses on the upper face and is popular among both men and women at any age. It can result in a brighter, more alert facial appearance.
Mid-face lift (cheek lift) A mid-face lift works well for patients that have the appearance of hollow or sunken in areas around the cheekbones. It is performed by removing excess skin on the mid-face with an incision placed just behind or around the ears. It delicately and gently lifts the mid-face, restoring the cheek tissue to a more youthful position. This technique can also help improve the appearance of drooping jowls. The results from this procedure can really take years off of your appearance.
Corner mouth lift If you feel as though you constantly look like you are frowning, a corner mouth lift may benefit you. A corner mouth lift focuses on the drooping skin and lines or creases near the corners of the mouth that tend to give patients a permanent frown or frustrated appearance. This procedure restores the areas around the mouth by lifting the skin upward and returning it to its normal anatomic location. Patients enjoy a pleasant, friendlier looking appearance following this procedure. Even though it produces a subtle outcome, our patients find the results to be substantial in the rejuvenation of their lower face.
Neck lift A neck lift consists of removing extra skin or tissue from the upper chin area and leaving the chin and neck looking more slim and sculpted. A neck lift may be a great option for patients that have undergone a significant amount of weight loss or for those who have experienced a decrease in elasticity and have noticed facial sag and loose skin due to aging. A neck lift has been noted as being a facelift procedure that can offer Northern VA men and women the most dramatic results.
This really depends on what is bothering you most. During your consultation with one of our Northern VA plastic surgeons, you will have the opportunity to show and tell the areas on your face that you wish to enhance or correct. From their, a customized treatment plan will be crafted to address either the upper, mid, or lower face, or for some patients, the entire facial structure. It is also important to consider how nonsurgical treatments can help in some aspects as well. For example, BOTOX can help smooth wrinkles and lines in the forehead, while Kybella can slim the area under the chin. Many times, we will use a combination of surgery and nonsurgical procedures to attain the right result.
Since there are multiple facelift techniques that target different areas of the face and neck it’s important to schedule a consultation to determine which procedure is best for you. You will want to make sure you find a surgeon that has experience in facial cosmetic surgery and that you feel comfortable in your decision to move forward with a procedure.
The talented plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston in Reston, VA have performed numerous facelift procedures for men and women throughout Northern VA and the results have been life-changing. Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Contact us today to get your consultation scheduled and to be one step closer to a new and younger looking you.
Our four, board-certified plastic surgeons have over 100 years of combined experience & work together in our dedicated, luxurious center providing combined knowledge on all procedures. Schedule your consultation today to learn how our surgeons can guide you on your journey to aesthetic harmony.